You are allowed to attach files to messages with following type formats:
The combined file size is not allowed to exceed 10 MB.
The language of the text in the mobile app depends on the setting you made in the app under Menu option "More" - Account - Language selection
The language of the text on the hometales web pages depends on the browser language choice that is set. You can set this in your browser.
In the app you can click on "Your voice" in the menu which will open the feedback screen.
We appreciate all feedback both positive and constructive criticism. However, we do not appreciate rude antisocial behavior or texts that can be perceived as offensive and will take appropriate measures if that happens as we can of course trace you. We will read all feedback, collect it and apply it if necessary. If you really want an answer from us, please let us know by checking de response box. You can send inquiries, report software errors, request new features, or other topics if you want to communicate with us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Have fun!
In the app you can also send messages to other people within your network. No rude, antisocial behavior or texts that may be perceived as offensive should be posted. You can send messages to your connections 1 on 1 or in a group. In a group context there is a quick function to start a group for all participants on your home profile called "Start my home profile participants group conversation" or create your own group. Have fun!
In the menu, click on the "My Favorites" icon. You will see 2 tabs namely My Favorites and Followers.
My Favourites
My favorites are the home profiles you have added by means of the asterisk. They are the home profiles that you like or would like to follow the tales of.
We show home profile icon, home profile name, home profile status, location, date favorite created and price.
There is also the function "Suggest this profile to someone". If you click on this you can choose someone from your connection list to send the home profile to suggest to view it.
Followers are the people who have made your home profile a favorite and follow your tales. These are people who are often linked to their own home profile. Therefore you will find the following dates in the list: user icon, username, added date, related home profile, home status, home icon and home location.
Listed below is the difference between a participant and owner:
We hope that we have you sufficiently explained the difference between owner and participant. We wish you a lot of fun!
If you encounter a problem with logging in via the social logins (facebook, google, linkedin) such as "log in error message and/or please check your data".
You can try to clear your cache on your phone first by going to "Settings-App Manager" in your phone. Then select the app "HomeTales" and choose "Clear Cache". If this still doesn't solve your problem please contact us so we are aware of the problem and will immediately get to work to solve it if it's on our side. You can use this CONTACTFORM to reach out to us.
We hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
Click on the menu at the top left. Then select "More". Under section "account" you will see a field called "Connections" click on it. You will now see a list of all connections. To the right you will see a "more" icon (3 dots) if you click on it you will get more functions. If you select the function "Delete" you remove the connection from your network/list.
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
On the login screen of the app you will see the word "forgot password" in the lower right corner.
Click on this and enter your email address in your next screen. We will send you an email with a link to click on. The link will be opened by your browser where you can enter and save your new password.
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
In the app, click on "Menu" at the top left, then click on "More" at the bottom of the menu. In the section "Account" you will find a field called "Change Password" click on it to change your password. You will need to enter the old password and confirm the new password. After saving, you must use the new password.
You can also watch the demo video via the following link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
If you own a home profile you have the privileges to invite a connection to become a participant on your home profile. Participants have the following rights:
If a participant wishes to have their own home profile, you must first remove yourself as a participant from the existing home profile as you can only be active on 1 home profile.
Mode 1:
Click on "home profile" in the menu and you will then appear on your home profile. In the section "Participants on this profile" you will see an icon with a "+" sign. When you click on this you will get a list of connections that you can add as a participant. You can do this by clicking on the 3 dots or "more" icon on the right side of the name and using the function "Invite Participant". You have now invited the connection to participate. He/she will have to accept this invitation to become active on your profile.
Mode 2:
In the menu, click on "More" and then go under the section "Account" to the field "Connections". Click on "Connections". If you have not yet added the right person as a connection, you must do so first. If the person is already a connection, you will see a "more icon" to the right of the name, which are the 3 dots next to each other. If you click on this icon you will see a number of functions including "Invite Participant".
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
Via the menu you can click on "More" and then the field Connections under section "Account. You will then enter the screen called "Connections". Here you can search for users in 2 different ways, one option is search in your connections and second option is all hometales users. You can then directly "connect" or click on a user to get to the "User profile" screen where you can still connect.
To search in all hometales users click on the "dark triangle pointing down" which you will find on the top right side next to the sort icon on the right side of the search bar. You will then be given two choices. Choice 1 is search in connections and Choice 2 is search in all users.
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
In the menu, click on the "Search" icon and you will get the following options:
List view
First tab is the list view where home profiles are shown in a list form.
There is a section called "In Spotlight" here you will find the profiles that want to have their home profiles more visible for a paid promotion.
Below that are all the search results. Each home profile shows home profile icon, title, location, price, and status. If present, media icons and badges will also be shown.
At the top right is a sort function. You can sort the list view as you wish by making your choice. The choice consists of sorting by price, home profile name and location.
Map view
The middle tab concerns map display. Here you can see by means of a visual map the offered brown housing profiles in the form of a pin. You can also see advertising pins, which are pins that refer to an advertising destination. The map view has a number of functions available.
- Nearby: This function shows all profiles within a radius of up to 10 km.
- Satellite: You can choose to change the view to satellite version or back to map version.
- Draw: Use your finger to draw a region in which you want to search for a home profile. We then calculate the center and take a radius to show the homes in your drawing zone.
- AR+: With this function you can open your camera and see which profiles are available in your area. Ideal for walking around, cycling and/or other transportation while you see which home profiles are available.
- Location icon: At the top right there is a small round icon if you click on it the folder will return to your current location on the folder.
Filters tab
In the filter tab you can select what the search results should match both list view and folder view. The filtered results of folder view are also applied to the AR+ function. After entering filters, they will automatically be applied immediately to the results. So you can click directly to tab list or map view as it will be auto updated. At the bottom of the filter screen there is only a reset button if you want to remove all filters.
Hope you have been informed sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
If you have published a tale, it will be available for everyone to see. The following functions are supported and possible for users who visit the tale:
- Users can use the tale to go to your home profile when they click on your home profile icon or home profile.
- You can enlarge the photos by clicking on them.
- You can LIKE the tale by clicking on the bottom left on the home icon without a heart. The like counter on the right (home with heart) will increase in number. You can only assign 1 like.
- You can write a comment on the tale by clicking on the comment icon.
- If the user has written several keywords or hash tags, you can hide them by clicking on the keywords and read the other keywords better. These will be visible from right to left. If you refresh the screen, all keywords will be shown again.
- Below the pictures on the right you will find a "More Icon" or the 3 dots next to each other. If you click on this you will get a list with even more functions, namely the following:
- Update your tale when you want to make adjustments.
- You can remove the tale.
- You will get notifications if someone likes your tale or writes comments etc. You can choose to stop receiving notifications by clicking on this function. You can also change it again afterwards to follow the notifications again if you wish.
- You can share your tale with other hometales users. The other user has to be a connection of yours and you can only forward one at a time.
- Sharing on social networks such as facebook and linkedin.
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
In the menu, click on the "My Profile" icon. Click on "Create/Add new home profile". There are now 3 possible scenarios:
1.If you do not yet have a home profile and are not a participant on someone's home profile, you will see step 1 screen of creating a home profile. You then become the OWNER of this property profile. We will explain how to create this profile but first explain the 2 other scenarios.
2. If you have already created a home profile as an owner then you will see your own home profile and you can edit it by clicking on the "edit icon". You will then go to screen step 1 of the 3 to update your home profile.
3. If you are a participant on a home profile of another person who is the owner then you will be redirected to his/her home profile. You can then also edit and modify your home profile. Your tales will then be published in the name of this profile since you are a participant on that profile.
As mentioned in scenario 1 you can end up in the screen step 1 of 4 in the creation of a home profile.
Step 1:
In this first step you select a home icon that forms the image of your home profile. Choose a nice and clear picture of your property.
Then choose a unique name for your home profile. Combine e.g. your streetname with number or make up your own name.
Also choose a home status for your home profile e.g. for sale, maybe for sale etc see list.
Finally you need to click on the map image to identify your home location. Please choose the correct location otherwise you will get incorrect into the system and miss out on the benefits.
Later after first publishing your profile you can continue to edit it. During editing/updating the profile you will also get the option to fill in a description. You may enter a maximum of 4000 characters for your description.
Step 2:
Here you can add photos. You may add a maximum of 20 photos, but we advise you to upload only a few when creating the profile for the first time, otherwise it will take too long. Later during update or editing you can add more at your own pace.
You can change the order of the photos by holding the photo for 2 seconds and moving it in the correct order. The first photo is top left and will also be used to be the first to show up on your home profile.
Step 3:
Here you can fill in the details you want. Currency and price are required, the others are optional. However, a well filled out profile attracts more visitors and shows commitment. You are obliged to use the official numbers from the land register and not just make up a number. Below we will give some explanations if needed for a field.
Section General:
Section Construction:
Section Layout:
Energy section:
Media Section:
Broker and/or agency section
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
You want to know how to write a new tale?
Login if not yet done and click in the top left on menu icon.
Then click on Menu icon "Home Tales".
You have arrived at the hometales feeds screen.
At the top of the screen you will see a field with on the left side your own home profile picture and on the right side the text "Write your own home tale". Click on this field.
You can now fill in the following:
1. Select your storyline
2. Describe your tale/story
3. Add keywords or hash tags
4. tag persons
5. select a photo layout
After you have completed to fill this in, you can publish it by clicking on "Send".
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
You can log into the app by using social network logins from facebook, linkedin and google. Or you can create an account in HomeTales. On the login page of the HomeTales app you will find "Create account" on the bottom left. Click on it and fill in the requested information such as name, email and password in the next screen.
You will then receive an email in your inbox (also check your spam folder) containing a confirmation link that you must click on to confirm your account. From then on you can log in with your created email and password.
Hope you have received enough information. We wish you a lot of fun!
Ownership means that you own a property profile and have a few privileges that others do not. Difference between participant and owner is that the owner can transfer the ownership of the home profile to someone else and/or add participants to the profile.
So you can transfer the ownership of a home profile to another connected user.
Click on "More" in the menu - section "Account" to the field "Connections". Click on "Connections". If you have not yet added the right person as a connection, you must do so first. If the person is already a connection, you will see a "more icon" to the right of the name, which are the 3 dots next to each other. If you click on this icon you will see a number of functions including "Transfer ownership".
When you click on this icon, the other person will receive a notification invitation to accept or reject the ownership. If transfered, the ownership will change to the new user. The old owner will either become a participant if the new owner was a participant first, or transfer completely to the new owner if he or she did not yet participate on the home profile.
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
This is the description if you are a participant of a home profile. In the app, click on your own photo icon at the top in the menu top left. Or on the default icon if you haven't uploaded your own photo yet. You will then be taken to your user profile. At the bottom you will see a list of all the home profiles you are active on. You will see the text "Leave as a participant" on the left side of each profile. When you click on it you have to confirm to leave or not. When selected yes you have now left the profile as a participant.
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
This is the description if you are a home owner. In the app, click on your own photo at the top in the menu which you can open on the menu icon top left. Or click on the default icon if you haven't uploaded your own photo yet. You will then be taken to your user profile. At the bottom you will see a list of all the home profiles you are active on. You will see the text "Delete participant" on the left side of each home profile. You can click here and a new screen will appear. You select the participant you wish to remove and click save. The participant is now removed from your home profile.
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
You can add someone if you are on the person's "User Profile" screen. At the bottom you will see a button called "Connect".
There are several ways to get to the user profile screen.
You can also watch the demo video via this link:
Hope to have informed you sufficiently. We wish you a lot of fun!
This can sometimes be the case with some phones. Think of your phone as an HD TV screen or it is landscape oriented. So this is also how the camera thinks it should be. If you capture a picture in portrait mode, it is as if you have rotated your camera to the side and the picture will eventually be rotated. It is best to shoot everything in landscape, with two hands and each photo is well oriented. This is especially true for home profile uploads. With tales you can just upload portrait photos correctly. Luckily most newer phones are doing just fine. Another workaround is to rotate the photos on the phone and then upload them.
Hope to have informed you enough. We wish you a lot of fun!
Data controller and Data Processor are important concepts in understanding HomeTales' responsibilities under the GDPR. Depending on the situation, HomeTales may be a data controller, a data processor, or both, and has the associated responsibilities:
Data processor
HomeTales is a data processor if it processes personal and property data on behalf of a data controller. Under the GDPR, data processors have obligations to process and manage data safely and lawfully. Although HomeTales acts as a data controller for the majority of our services, we sometimes act as a data processor when working with companies and other third parties. For example, when HomeTales processes data on behalf of an advertiser, the advertiser must have an appropriate legal basis so that HomeTales can and may process the data. Examples of where HomeTales acts as a data processor are:
- Analyses: HomeTales processes data on behalf of an advertiser to measure the performance and reach of advertising campaigns and to provide statistics about the individuals who have viewed or interacted with the ads.
- Database Custom Target Groups: HomeTales uses a company's CRM data to link it to users in our database to create custom target groups for advertising campaigns.
In certain scenarios, HomeTales acts as a data processor on behalf of advertisers or business partners acting as data controllers. Data processing involves a variety of activities, including the collection, storage, use and deletion of data. There are specific compliance requirements for data processors and HomeTales complies.
Data controller
HomeTales is a data controller when it is responsible for determining how and when personal and property data is processed. Under GDPR, data controllers must take compliance measures for how data are collected, what they are used for and how they are retained, as well as communicating this transparently to users. HomeTales must also ensure that users can access and control their data. Data controllers are responsible for ensuring that data processors meet their contractual requirements to process data securely and lawfully.
HomeTales processes personal and property data as described in our Data Policy. We ensure that HomeTales services are consistent with the GDPR.
*Dutch language version is leading over other languages
HomeTales processes personal and property data as described in our data policy.
We collect the content and other data you provide when you use our services. We collect the information you provide when you register such as name, email, and photo. But also when you write or share tales, and when you send messages to others. This may include information in and about the content you provide, such as the location of a photo or the date a tales was taken. We also collect information about how you use our services, such as which page you view and for how long or on what content you view and respond to. We also collect content and data that other users provide when they use our services, including information about you, for example when they share a photo of you, upload your information, add you as a favorite, and/or send you a message. In addition, we collect all kinds of analytical data to improve our services, such as information about the people with whom you are connected and the way you treat people, such as the people with whom you communicate most frequently or the locations with which you share a lot. We also collect contact information that you provide when you upload, sync or import this data (such as an address book) from your device.
If you use our services to purchase options or other financial transactions, we collect information about the purchase or transaction. Among other things, we collect your payment information, such as your credit or debit card number and other card information, other account and verification information, and details related to billing, shipping, and contact information.
We also collect information from your computer(s), phone(s) and other devices on which you install or access our services. Device information such as:
- Operating system characteristics, hardware version, settings, file names, camera, compass, battery and signal strength, and device IDs.
- Connection information such as mobile or internet provider, mobile number, language, time zone, browser type, and IP address.
- Device locations, including certain geographical locations, determined by GPS, Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi signals.
- For example, the forms collect email, name, satisfaction rating from you to reach and identify you.
We collect data when you visit third-party websites and apps that use our services (for example, when they use the Like/Share button and/or offer HomeTales sign-up, or use HomeTales for advertising). We collect information about the websites and apps you visit, and the information the developer or publisher of the app or website provides to you or us. We also sometimes receive information about you and your activities through third parties, for example, when a partner and HomeTales offer services together, or when an advertiser shares information about your interaction.
*Dutch language version is leading over other languages
The GDPR requires that data be retained only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and that the persons to whom the data relates have total control and are informed of the retention period and the criteria for the retention period. HomeTales continues to meet these requirements. More information can be found here.
If you delete your account in the app there is a 15 day cooling off period, after those 15 days your data will be permanently deleted and you will not be able to get it back. If you find data from you after that period please let us know and we will do our best to support you.
*Dutch language version is leading over other languages
HomeTales work with an international infrastructure and only process data on servers in the EU at the moment.
HomeTales processes personal data and property data as described in our data policy.
HomeTales strives to provide the best possible service to our users. In order to achieve this we naturally need information about you. We can offer you our services, personalized content and suggestions by collecting and using your data to gain more insight into how you use our services and deal with the persons or functions to which you are connected and in which you have expressed interest also outside of our services.
We also use your data to offer you suggestions and/or shortcuts. For example, we may propose to you to show you certain properties that we think are suitable for what you are looking for. If we have your location information, we use it to customise our services for you, for example, by showing you interesting advertisements or properties or local events related to your interests.
We also collect data to improve the quality of our websites and apps, such as fixing bugs. We test features under development, analyze your software and device data to evaluate and improve our products and services, to develop new products and features that are of value to you. We also use your data to send you relevant marketing messages, notify you of our regulations and terms and conditions, and/or communicate with you about our services. Of course, we also use your information to respond when you contact us. Finally, we strive for the highest security where it is also important to use your data when analyzing how we can increase security and prevent misuse.
*Dutch language version is leading over other languages
Article 6 of the GDPR describes six possible principles for data processing: 1) consent, 2) legitimate interests, 3) vital interests, 4) legal obligation, 5) compliance with an agreement and 6) public interests.
1. "the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes" You consent, if you agree, to the terms and policies of HomeTales in the app. Permission is also requested separately for certain features you use on the phone such as the use of location and camera. More info about the user features and conditions we want to offer you can be found here at app permissions.
2. "processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract" In order to serve you with our HomeTales platform which you as a user want to use in a stable way and high quality we of course need data from you to analyse how we can support and expand our services. More info about the user features and conditions we want to offer you can be found here under user conditions.
3. "processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject" HomeTales must comply with the legal obligations that each country proposes to us as well as Dutch law. In order to comply we may require and process certain data. More information about the data policies and conditions we want to offer you can be found here at privacy policy.
4. "Processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person HomeTales collects all necessary data about you as a person, your use, advertising behaviour, your home etc. More information about the data policies and conditions we want to offer you can be found here under privacy policy.
5. "processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller" We do not see these as possible data processing principles for HomeTales.
6. processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child. HomeTales is very concerned about legal obligations, rights and/or ethical matters. Our platform is for adults only where we do our utmost to manage all data in a secure way.
*Dutch language version is leading over other languages
By using HomeTales services your data will be distributed. Our services are aimed at bringing together supply and demand and social networks. We make this possible by sharing your data with people you share and communicate with or accessing public data for all if registered with HomeTales. Public data means the information you share with a public audience, and the information in your public profile or content you share on a HomeTales page or other public site. For example, your home profile may be found via google if someone searches with the correct keywords. Public information is available to everyone on and outside our services and can be displayed and accessed through online search engines, web services and/or offline media such as television. Other people may use our services to share information about you. For example, when people share a photo of you, share your profile, mention you in a message or tag you in a location, or share other information about you.
If you use third party apps, websites or other services that use or are integrated with our services, those third party services may receive information about what you post or share. In addition, if you download or use their services, third parties gain access to your public profile, including your name, email, user ID, country and/or language, and other information you share with these third party services. Data collected by these apps, websites or integrated services are subject to the terms and policies of the relevant third party services. Application examples include advertising, measurement and analytics services (only non-personally identifiable information) and we want our ads to be as relevant and interesting to you as possible. With this in mind, we use all of our information about you to serve you relevant ads. We do not share any information that makes you personally identifiable (personally identifiable information is information such as a name or an email address that can be used to contact you or reveal your identity) with partners for advertising, measurement or analytics unless you consent. For example, we may tell an advertiser how the ads are viewed e.g., how often the ads have been displayed or how often an app has been installed after displaying an ad.
*Dutch language version is leading over other languages
Yes HomeTales has a data protection officer for matters where it is deemed necessary. If you have a valid case and reason for a data protection officer, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.